
目前顯示的是 3月, 2010的文章

how to trace memory leak in Android ?

this post is really a question, doesn't contain the answer Orz this big question may consist of several items what is memory leak ?   how  to monitor Android system memory and performance ? linux command : ps -x top cat /proc/meminfo not know exactly :  dumpsys meminfo proc-id procrank time command-line vmstat and DDMS (Android SDK tool) !! Could automatic track memory leak on Android ? DDMS could help ! but need to do some settings ( group discuss  Finding Memory leak in native code  ) 0. Build  libc_debug.so  1. replace system/lib/libc.so with /system/lib/libc_debug.so  2. set  environment variables   $PATH with ~/open_src/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-XXX/bin  $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT with ~/open_src/out/target/product/ /  'PATH' is used for getting "arm-eabi-addr2line" and ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT for getting the path to /symbol folder.  3. restart the framework.   adb shell stop && adb she

What is memory leak ?

What is memory leak ? wiki said: A  memory leak  or  leakage  in  computer science  is a particular type of memory consumption by a  computer program  where the program is unable to release  memory  it has acquired. more detail in : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory_leak an easy understand example about memory leak, please refer to this link: 女工程師的美加生活手札-  Memory Leak   other related webpage : Handling memory leaks in Java programs Memory Leak Detection in C++ 基本避免Memory Leak的技巧 — garylee


“邊作案子邊看人月神話,有種拳拳到肉,被打的鼻青臉腫的fu”。 看完了之後真的有很多感想。 今天來談談團隊。人月神話中提到軟體工程的團隊應該像外科手術團隊一樣, 有一個主力的外科醫師配上各有不同功能的醫護人員,其中包含針對手術的助手以及監控病人情況的麻醉師等。

HTML5 rocks !

Google說  The browser is the computer 這個願景,需要 HTML5  ! 先提一下, 什麼是HTML5 ? 且Google準備了些HTML5應用: YouTube HTML5 影片播放器 Google Chrome Frame Google Wave  - Communicate and collaborate in real time -- 應該相關文章: FLASH嗆HTML5 Google計畫以HTML5取代Gears 另外提供一些一看就是相關網站的相關網站  http://html5.org/ http://diveintohtml5.org -- 心得: 1. 資訊日新月異,沒事多上網,多上網沒事 2. 被Issue搞得 一看到 Canvas 先想到 Street View @@ 其他相關文章: 2011年的Chrome瀏覽器 Ajax on Android

Android與語音辨識 Speech Input API for Android

從Android官方Blog推出一篇新文章  Speech Input API for Android Nuance跟賽微要小心啦 ~

好急好急,你 ~ 累了嗎?

我感覺寫什麼A.S.A.P 太不親切了~ 所以我都寫好急好急。 有人問我,好急好急是什麼程度, 阿 ~ 阿就 好急好急阿 @@ -- 不過原本只是跟Jimmy老師搞笑的對話, 突然有些感想,想要對SPM說 : 一天到晚好急好急,真的不累嗎 @@ 我感覺到你累我也累, "有妥善的計畫,才會有順利的專案。" 共勉之 ~

Google Search



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